Fact Sheet: Feeding back

Feedback to your wider community is vitally important as it helps to keep people informed and on-board with the community-led action plan. Some of the key information you need to include in your feedback is:

Starting Points

A summary of the original priorities and outcomes – it’s amazing how quickly people forget what had been agreed at the planning stage!

An account of the process

It is useful to let people know how the community-led action plan has been taken forward (and the range of people/organisations involved). This will help to avoid the common misconception that “these things just happen”!

This provides you with an opportunity to let people know of any key events (such as an annual community action planning day) that are scheduled.

Progress against actions

It’s important to report what has happened but it’s also important to honestly report back on what’s not happened or what has only partly been achieved.

Communication Tips

Keep it concise and clear. Make good use of visuals and pictures – particularly if you have pictures of physical developments happening as a result of the plan e.g. an area of derelict ground being cleaned up, or the development of a local playpark.

Provide opportunities for people to feedback to you on progress with your plan – this could be online (e.g. through a facebook page or on twitter) and/or through comments boxes or notice boards in local venues.